von Matthias Haller | Dez. 22, 2024
Mimosa – Documentary Synopsis Ein Dokumentarfilm über hochsensible Personen. „Ach, stell dich nicht so an, du Mimose!“ Diesen oder ähnliche Sätze hören hochsensible Personen oft. Sie seien zu emotional, zu empfindlich oder zu zart. Der Begriff Mimose leitet...
von Matthias Haller | Nov. 29, 2024
The Reflecting Bermpool A Reenactment of Bill Viola’s „The Reflecting Pool“ (1979). ‚The Reflecting Bermpool‘ is based on Bill Viola’s ‚The Reflecting Pool‘ (1979), depicting a person jumping into a pool and remaining...
von Matthias Haller | Mai 30, 2024
Grainy Days For an analogue camera test of the Arriflex 16s, I had some expired Orwo black-and-white film available. Here is a short compilation of the footage captured. Format: 16mm, 1:1.33Running Time: 1...
von Matthias Haller | Feb. 27, 2024
Welthungerhilfe – Recruiting Spots The Welthungerhilfe is an international non-governmental organization committed to ending hunger and malnutrition worldwide.I had the opportunity to create an image video as well as several department-specific recruiting spots...
von Matthias Haller | Feb. 26, 2024
Dinner with Jill – Narrative Short Synopsis Niko has a „romantic“ Dinner with his Robot-Girlfriend. Afterwards, he has to decide how important the relationship is for him. Credits Eliah Tamino Willmann: NikoValentina Möller: JillDieter Walde:...